Latest News from Port of Wells


Harbour Office Opening Times

Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday – Sunday
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday – Sunday
9:00 am – 10:00 am

The Harbour Master, or staff on duty, will be present on the tide during peak season (beginning of June to end of August).  For the remainder of the year (September to end of May), a VHF listening watch will be maintained.


For emergencies in or around the harbour and coast, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.  At sea, call Humber Coastguard, VHF Ch.16.

Fishing out of Wells

Wells has a local fleet of 13 fishing vessels, which has stayed reasonably constant through the years. On occasions we have a number of visiting boats from other ports.

The local boats range in size from 7m to about 12 m, and are crewed by 2/3 people. Their main catches are crab, lobster and whelks. The fleet fish the areas of the Docking Shoal, Race Bank, North Ridge, Dudgeon Shoal and Lynn Well.

Wells is renowned for being a whelk fishing port that has been established for a great many generations. Many of the crab and lobster is sold to local hotels and restaurants, and any remaining are sent away for processing to be sold in shops and supermarkets.

The average working day of the Wells fisherman is approximately 14 hours. They can work / steam anything up to 14 miles from Wells Harbour to the fishing grounds. The crews often haul approximately 500 pots per day, in all weathers.

Visiting fishing vessels use Wells at different times of the year, while fishing for brown shrimps. In more recent times there has been a revival in the brown shrimp industry, which has resulted in vessels visiting from Leigh on Sea and other harbours.

In 2020, we have three angling charter boats that take fishing parties fishing for cod off the wrecks, and skate and tope on the sandier areas of the seabed.

During the summertime you can witness, as the tide flows in, a flotilla of small boats heading out to sea to catch the mackerel. There are still a few fisherman who carry out, in the winter months, the long standing tradition of harvesting mussels. These, again, are sold in the local restaurants and pubs.

Map shows that fishing boats out of Wells Harbour commonly catch crabs (brown, velvet), lobsters, shrimp (pink & brown), mussells & tope, trevelling distances of up to 26 nautical miles
Key to fishing map: Red area is Brown Crabs, Blue area is Brown crabs and lobsters, Yellow area is brown shrimps, red striped area is pink and brown shrimps. Also found are mussells, tope (near wrecks) and velvet crab.